Fall 2023 Brief
Newsletter for Festival of Sharing
Greetings! In 2023, 300 volunteers donated over 1,500 hours of time to the 7 Sharefest events across the state. This time was spent packing hygiene and dental kits, assembling paper product packs and food boxes, tying fleece blankets, packaging rice, unloading and loading vehicles, counting and sorting kits, praying over gifts, greeting volunteers, and learning about the work agencies do. This work does not encompass the time and talents offered throughout the year in preparation. Read More About Churches Working Together for a Bigger Impact -->
Cooperative Response Grants
Festival of Sharing has funding available to partner with Missouri churches and organizations in their efforts to cooperatively respond to community needs around poverty. Applications accepted on a rolling basis. Grants will be awarded up to $1,000. Visit here for more info -->
Volunteer Opportunity
In January & February 2024 Festival of Sharing will be looking for volunteers to help package and sort garden seeds for distribution. If interested, please call 573-474-3332 or email festival@socket.net.
Digital Communications
As a reminder, Festival of Sharing is primarily using digital communications. Stay up-to-date with the Festival Brief, Festival website, and Festival Facebook Page. Local
Sharefest Celebrations
79 agencies received items from the Sharefest events. Those agencies serve over 48,000 Missourians each month.
Festival of Sharing Presentation
Festival would love to meet you! Schedule a presentation with your congregation, Sunday school class, or volunteer group either in person or virtually! Email festival@socket.net or call 573-474-3332.
Items Collected for Church World Service in 2023
Hygiene Kits: 1,305
Clean-Up Buckets: 36
School Kits: 1,930
Welcome Backpacks: 13
Period Packs: 125
Total Kit Value: $54,080