Missouri Youth Personal Care Pack

Missouri Youth Personal Care Pack Assembly

  • 1 chapstick

  • 1 washcloth

  • 1 deodorant

  • 3 ink pens

  • 1 journal

  • 1 fleece throw

  • 1 travel size lotion

  • 1 comb or brush

  • 1 bottle hand sanitizer (3 oz.)

  • 1 toothbrush

  • 1 travel size toothpaste

  • 1 travel size shampoo AND conditioner

  • 1 box medicated facial cleansing pads (i.e. Stridex)

  • Send $3 per kit to Festival of Sharing for feminine hygiene/body spray to be added later

Kit Contents

Place all items in a drawstring bag, we have found the size of 17x24 to be helpful to fit all items. Place completed packs in boxes labeled with “Missouri Youth Personal Care Packs” and the quantity on the exterior. We no longer need the male/female distinction. These packs are for youth ages 12-18 who have experienced a crisis and who have been placed in state care or are experiencing homelessness.

To make distribution easier, we are asking that you try to make kits as gender neutral as possible and donate money for us to add the body spray and feminine items as they are distributed. We suggest sending $3 to our office for us to purchase body spray and feminine items to be added to the kits as they are handed out.

Assembly Directions